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Island Fever 3 (2004) full xxx movie

 On Tuesday, October 30, 2012  

Volume 3 of the sex-capes of three of the most lovely female models/porn stars of the era this time on location in the picturesque beaches of Tatiti.
Director: Joone
Cast : Jesse Jane, Devon, Tera Patrick,  Evan Stone,  Eric Masterson,  Barrett Blade.

Relax. Take a deep breath and let Island Fever 3 transport you to a sensual world of pure, raw passion, unlike any you've ever known. Experience paradise, where you can live and breathe your every fantasy with the most exotic women the world has ever seen, Jesse Jane®, Devon & Tera Patrick. Revolutionary director Joone invites you to explore all your fantasies in the warm tropics of Tahiti and Bora Bora. Immerse your senses in a lush, tropical paradise as three beautiful women surround you, each existing to fulfill your ultimate fantasy. Filmed entirely on HD, the third volume in the award winning and critically acclaimed Island Fever series is presented in a special double disc collectors set with regular DVD and HD-DVD options and features Devon and Jesse's first sexual encounter.

Scene 1. Devon, Jesse Jane

Scene 2. Devon, Evan Stone

Scene 3. Tera Patrick, Barrett Blade

Scene 4. Jesse Jane, Eric Masterson

Scene 5. Devon, Eric Masterson

Scene 6. Jesse Jane, Evan Stone

Scene 7. Devon, Eric Masterson

Scene 8. Jesse Jane, Evan Stone

Island Fever 3 (2004) full xxx movie 4.5 5 ASIAN PORN Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Volume 3 of the sex-capes of three of the most lovely female models/porn stars of the era this time on location in the picturesque beaches o...

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