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“Because I am a sperm eating slut.”

 On Thursday, November 8, 2012  

My cum was so thick, she couldn’t help but make her little yucky face as she put my sperm in her tummy.

“Was that a little gross?” I asked her softly.

 Her teary eyes got big as she nodded shyly.

“Why did you swallow all that yucky cum, little girl?”

 She smiled.

“Because I am a sperm eating slut.”

The Pearly Yearning ,Erotic Horror story

Susan has become a vampire - of a rare and particular kind

The hunger was consuming Susan. She was getting dizzy; the fever was clouding her mind and she had broken out into a sweat. She teetered on her heels, and looked at her hands. The skin on her hands and arms was flushed bright red. She was burning up. Had this really seemed like a good idea?

Her mind drifted back to the hamburger she had tried to ingest a half hour ago. Her stomach reeled with nausea at the thought. She thought this would be so easy. Six days ago, Danuta had given her what she thought would be the greatest gift; unimaginable power and freedom. But instead, she was helpless, scared. And so desperately hungry. She needed to feed.

She had always been socially awkward. Sort of pretty, she had jet-black hair and a pale complexion. Her boobs were fairly large -- D cups, and nicely shaped. Her hips and tummy were wider than she would have liked, but she was by no means fat. A couple of her teeth were crooked though, and her smile was lop-sided. This made her very self-conscious of smiling, and reinforced her shyness.

She could never figure out exactly why she was so hopeless with men. Twenty years old now, she had only had sex twice. They were both one-night stands. And she had struck out with every guy she had ever had interest in. She was a bit geeky she supposed; she liked books, and video games, and was a member of a historical reenactment society. She was definitely on the goth side of things, and was heavily into the image in high school. She couldn't understand why she couldn't seem to say or do the right things to be sexy, to make men want her. And now she thought she had it; the ultimate power to seduce and consume men, strictly for her pleasure and sustenance. But instead, she found that she was the same old inept loser, striking out with men whenever she made any bumbling advance, and somehow unable to tempt them to make a move.

Except that now she was starving, the hunger taking her whole being and threatening to end her existence. She needed sperm. And now.

Two hours ago, she had been in a nightclub. She had already been getting panicky -- six full days had passed since Danuta had turned her. She still hadn't fed, and she was getting terribly weak. She had spent almost all of the last of her money on an outfit to try to attract a man. It was a red PVC mini-dress, with buckles and a collar with lapels. Her feet were adorned with a pair of shiny red pumps with five-inch stiletto heels, and a pair of red silk stockings with seams clad her smooth legs. Her medium length hair was swept back and sprayed in place. She had on a pushup bra to accentuate her ample cleavage, and applied her makeup heavily. She wore lipstick and lip liner, whore-red and glossy. She had thought for sure her appearance would scream "Get your blowjobs here!", and she had spent plenty of time on the dance floor, shaking herself around, striking provocative poses, trying her best to seem available. She tried to down a shot of whiskey to calm herself, but she couldn't swallow it. It literally tasted and felt like poison.

She had felt herself getting weaker and more feverish as she tried to display herself, but to no avail. She tried to strike up a conversation with a burly, handsome guy who looked a bit like a trucker, but he blew her off. She fled the club dejected. Did she seem too desperate? What was the problem? This wasn't fair!! Was she going to die?

Now, alone downtown, unable to seduce a man, unable to eat a hamburger, she began to cry with the bleakness of her situation crushing her. How was it possible to have such difficulty just getting a guy to allow her to fellate him? She was scared of the danger of getting carried away; Danuta had warned her of that. She didn't want to kill. For so many different reasons. But she just wanted men to want her, to be irresistible, sexy, mysterious, compelling. And the whole immortality thing had seemed like an added bonus.

It was real. Her thoughts drifted back to how she had discovered the carefully ensconced coven. She had always dreamed, fantasized, prayed for this to be real. And it was. She had met Danuta at the medieval fair just over a year ago now. Danuta was a beautiful woman with small features, shoulder-length light brown hair, a slight figure, and stood about 5'4". She had some kind of European accent, and appearing to be about 32 years old or so. Their meeting had seemed innocent enough. She thought she had found a kindred spirit. It was true in far deeper and direr ways than she knew. That meeting had changed her life. And six days ago, her life had changed irrevocably. How could she have dreamed it would be such a terrible curse, an open mockery of her womanhood, simply reinforcing all of her shortcomings, and threatening to end her life because of them...

She stumbled and steadied herself against the glass of the hotel lobby window. The cool night air of downtown gently rustled past her. She felt a shiver and flash of cold, but the burning heat was still there. She thought she was about to pass out...

"Miss?" called out the voice of an older man. "Miss, are you all right? You don't look well at all, do you need me to call an ambulance?"

She turned to face the source of the voice. An elderly man, perhaps in his early seventies, dressed in the smart uniform of a bellhop had entered the street and was regarding her with concern. It was a Tuesday night, and at just past midnight, they were the only two on the street. She was ready to burst out crying again, her face already streaked with tears and sweat. An ambulance couldn't help her!

She tried to say something, but knew nothing she said would make any difference. She lurched and began to collapse to the sidewalk.

The bellhop reacted with concern and alarm, and tried to reach out to catch her fall. His legs and reflexes weren't as effective as when he was a younger man, and he only partially succeeded. Susan fell forward and knocked him off his feet as well. She ended up sprawled across his thighs as he landed on his rump, giving up his efforts to catch her in an instinctive flailing to try to prevent injury to his own person.

He gasped out in pain as they met the concrete.

Susan sobbed in her plight. It was hopeless. It was useless. She was such a fool.

The elderly bellhop grimaced in pain. He tentatively moved, testing his limbs. Nothing seemed to be broken. His less-than-graceful attempt at gallantry had certainly bruised his buttocks and hands though. He winced and inhaled sharply. He regarded the afflicted young mess that had just landed in his lap.

"Miss? Miss? Are you still with me? I'm going to call an ambulance, ok? You just stay here..."

He began to shuffle in an attempt to gently extricate himself from beneath her and rise.

She was slipping away. Blackness was going to take her. She was forced into action. She had no choice. What could she do? There was no choice!! She needed sperm. She wouldn't last another minute without it.

She looked up into his eyes, the fire of hunger giving her clarity. She held his hips and tried to restrain him from rising. He returned her gaze, his expression a mixture of concern and confusion.

She began fumbling with his trousers, her fingers seeking to undo the button and unzip his fly.

"Miss? Miss, what are you doing? You're not well, I need to... What? Stop! Miss! What..."

He fought to thwart her actions, but her last, desperate chance for life had given her a surge of strength. She rose to her knees and crouched over him. She loosed the button of his trousers and tugged the fly down.

"Miss! Stop! Stop! What are you... Don't, let me go! What... Let go! Let me go!"

Her jaws were aching in anticipation. Her lips curled into a snarl. She grabbed his wrist and forced it out of her way. Her right hand grabbed his boxer shorts and tore them as she yanked them down to expose his groin.

"Help!" he cried out. "She's crazy, someone help me!!"

In an instant, she swooped down and engulfed his flaccid penis with her mouth. She began sucking on it intensely, a focused pressure designed to bring him to erection and ejaculation as quickly as possible.

She had only given one blowjob before in her life, and it had been a humiliating disaster. The boy's cock was short but extremely thick, and she had had difficulty getting her mouth around it. She didn't know what she was doing, and he belittled her efforts. Then her teeth had nicked the shaft of his penis, and he cried out with shock and pain. He ripped his penis from her mouth, and berated her, calling her a snaggle-toothed hag. He slapped her across the face once smartly, grabbed her hair and began masturbating. He quickly brought himself to orgasm, spewing his load all over her face and into her hair. He then shoved her away, called her a worthless ugly skag, quickly dressed and left her like that.

This time something was different. Definitely different. Her state and her hunger gave her instinctual knowledge about exactly how to extract sperm from this penis.

The bellhop continued to struggle and try to free himself, but to no avail. With her last effort to survive, she held him down and sucked on his member. It began to respond and lengthen, despite his protestations. The sensation was delicious to her. She would feed. It was close. So soon.

She bobbed on his extending shaft, licking and lapping, sucking and pumping. She was vaguely aware that she was administering an expert blowjob, knowing precisely how to stimulate this man to bring him off with her mouth.

His penis never really attained full erection, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that he ejaculate. And to his utter astonishment at his situation, he felt that begin to happen. He had difficulty attaining erections at all! What was going on? He and his wife hadn't had sex in over a year, and he'd never had sex with another woman! And now this feverish, seemingly crazy young woman was about to bring him to orgasm with her mouth? He couldn't stop it. He cried out in lust, gasping with the intensity of the sensation as his body clenched in spasm.

She could sense it. It was imminent. She sucked harder, flicking her tongue all over the underside of the tip. She would have her reward... She would live...

He began shooting into her mouth. The taste was beyond divine, a spiritual experience unequaled. She shivered, savouring the feel and flavour of his ejaculate as he delivered it into her mouth, and she swallowed it down. She felt her vagina contract in a mini-orgasm. She was instantly alive, feeling stronger, feeling satisfied, feeling powerful...

But it wasn't enough. Damn! It wasn't enough!! It was thin, not many sperm cells, likely... And old. He was old. The urge took her. The hunger was upon her. She would continue to suck, she would get more, she would get all he had to offer, she would suck his soul out through his penis, she would feed...

No! What was she doing? It was a waste. It would be a waste. He did not have much life left... She would kill him, and she would still be hungry...

She let his penis slip from her mouth. She snarled in frustration, anger... She had the urge to kill him just to alleviate her angst. He looked up at her, bewildered and afraid. That had been the best orgasm of his life, but he felt so drained, weaker, older...

No! Damn! She would kill him, the police would find her... She couldn't kill. She mustn't!! And for what? He wouldn't be able to give her much at all, she would be hungry again in a matter of hours probably...

She needed semen. Young semen. Vital, vibrant, healthy semen full of sperm cells, full of life...

She could think clearly now. She rose, regarded the bellhop briefly, and turned. The fever had lessened, she felt cooler now. She was still flushed, but not bright red as she had been. She ran off. She was on the hunt. She needed a young cock to feed her, and she would find it and take it. No seduction, no games, no courtship... Just a huntress and her prey.

She sprinted back towards the strip. She felt inhuman strength and agility coursing through her after her meal. She was able to dash full speed in her pumps and felt as sure footed as mountain goat. She laughed to herself. She was still ravenously hungry, though. She would not be deterred in her mission to feed now.

She arrived on Salder Avenue, and paused, glancing quickly up and down the street in front of the Lighthouse Club and The RockPit. She panted lightly, winded, but amazed at the incredible burst of energy she had just expended. She caught her reflection in the window of an electronics store, and was taken aback. She looked a perfect mess! Dressed like a hooker, her makeup smeared and streaming all over her face, her hair disheveled, her stockings torn... She instinctively began cleaning her face, but then stopped. It hadn't been effective anyway... She was to feed, and her appearance be damned. There would be no resisting her.

The voice of a young man laughed out, bidding a farewell to unseen persons in the RockPit. This was perfect. Suddenly she could smell his maleness, his youth, his vigour, his fertility...

Six days ago Danuta had turned Susan. Susan had been in awe of her, her confidence, her sultriness, her power, her influence over men... Danuta kept a stable of six men to dote on her. They freely offered her their penises, fed her their semen willingly... They all worked and turned their earnings over to her, completely under her spell, living to feel her mouth give them pleasure beyond their imaginings, once or twice daily, ejaculating with rapturous intensity as they doled out their life force bit by bit for her consumption.

Danuta had grown to trust Susan over the months. Ever since they had met at the medieval fair, she liked the young girl. She was sympathetic to her plight. She saw how this girl was so close to being an amazingly sexy temptress, but how she always managed to fall just short. Intelligent and sensuous, creative and imaginative, she saw true potential within Susan, and had made the decision to confide in her.

"I know you've met my sisters a few times now, Susan," she had said one day about three months ago, as they sat in the living room of Danuta's spacious home. "I have been extremely close to them now for many, many years. I think you see that there is something different about us. I see in you something of myself, and of my sisters, back when we were much younger. I trust you, Susan. I want to show you something that I know you will like, if you can keep it a secret."

"Um, of course, Danuta..." Susan had replied, unsure of what she was speaking.

"I'm sure you have had suspicions. But you live in the real world. You know fact from fantasy. You are smart, and as much as you love fiction, and drama, and role-playing, you know fairy tales from actual, scientifically provable phenomena, yes?"

"Well, sure, yes," she responded, quite confused.

"Follow me," she said, "In here." She led Susan to the doorway to the basement of her house. Susan had certainly been curious what was in the basement from the first time she noticed the multiple locking mechanisms on the seemingly heavily reinforced door. Danuta produce a key from her boot, and removed her pentacle necklace. She folded it a couple of times, and it too, formed the shape of the key. Ken, one of her house boys, nodded to Danuta as she opened the locks and the door, motioning Susan to descend the stairs.

Danuta flipped a light switch, illuminating the passage. The staircase was tiled with some kind of polished stone, and the walls were decorated in some kind of clay moulding, very intricate and beautiful. She closed the door and the two stepped down into the basement.

Surprisingly, once she rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs, she found the basement essentially bare. There was a table, some chairs, and four deep freezers. That was about all.

"This is where we sleep," said Danuta with a knowing smile. Susan was wondering if this was some bizarre joke or something.

Danuta walked over to one of the freezers and opened it. Susan leaned in to see its contents, and withdrew in shock! Inside lay Eniko, her eyes closed. The inside of the freezer was lined with what looked like velvet padding. Susan could feel the cold emanating from the freezer. Was this a trick? Was Eniko dead?

No she was not! Her eyes blinked open, and she rose to a seated position, smiling softly at Susan. "Hello, Susan," she said simply.

Susan thought this must be some sort of elaborate ruse. What was all this about? Eniko rose and took Susan's hand gently in a greeting. Her hand was cold as ice. If this was a trick, it was extremely well orchestrated.

Danuta then opened the next freezer. Susan suspected what would be revealed. Indeed, one of the other two sisters, Zorana, lay inside. She also opened her eyes, rose, and exited her freezer.

"Hello, Susan," she said, again taking her hand in greeting with the same icy grasp. "Welcome to our bedroom." She smiled at Susan, who stared back incredulously.

Danuta passed by the third freezer, stating, "This is where I sleep." She approached the last freezer. "This is where Kinia sleeps. We wanted you to completely understand and accept what you are seeing, so she hasn't fed in over a week. She will be very hungry. She did this for your benefit."

She raised the lid of the freezer, and there lay Kinia. She awoke with more of a start, her eyes wide and searching. Her skin was flushed crimson. She certainly looked more agitated and anxious than her other sisters. She was the slimmest and slightest of the four, with dark brown, wavy hair that fell in tresses about her head. She rose and smiled, her face quickly returning to an expression of anxiety. "Oh, hello, Susan," she said extending her hand. "I'm very glad you could join us, it has been an increasingly uncomfortable time for me these last ten days. Danuta trusts you greatly, and I concur with her feelings. You have nothing to fear from us." She turned and spoke to Danuta, saying, "I'm very hungry. Can we get to the feeding now, Danuta?"

Taking Kinia's hand, Susan found it warm. She glanced at the freezer. She extended a hand toward it, and confirmed that indeed felt as cold as the rest. Kinia laughed at her puzzled expression.

Danuta smiled at Susan warmly. "Can you guess the truth? And yes, it is real."

Susan looked blankly at the four. A number of things started to add up. All four had pale complexions, avoided sunlight as much as possible, indeed, she had usually seen them at night. The power they seemed to wield over men. The eastern European accents they all had that she couldn't seem to place. "...You're vampires..." she said at length, not really believing the words that had just come out of her mouth.

"Yes," said Danuta with a cheery smile and a tinkling laugh. "We are. But not the usual kind, the kind that mostly you find in books and movies. In our language, we are known as spermárevő. We are similar to nosferatu in most respects. We are far stronger and faster than humans. Especially after we have fed. Sunlight is instantly fatal to a young

spermárevő. We develop a tolerance to it in time, but it is at best uncomfortable, and bright, hot sun will eventually kill even the oldest of us. We do not take nourishment from food. In fact, similar to sunlight, it takes many years to be able to consume it, or even to drink water. This is done strictly to appear as human as possible, or for some ritualistic purposes. We are, for all practical purposes, dead. We do not require breath, although it allows speech, and it is certainly more comfortable. Exertions particularly cause us to breathe heavily, and in absence of oxygen, it can be extremely painful. We cannot be poisoned. We cannot bleed to death. Most physical harm that would injure or kill a human will not damage us. We do not age. I, myself, am 438 years old. How old are you, Zorana?"

"297," she replied.

"309," said Eniko.

"I am 284," said Kinia. "Can we get to the feeding?"

"Yes, Kinia, just a few more minutes. Most means that would kill humans just cause us to evaporate and reform in our beds later. There are only a couple of ways that we can be killed. Unlike nosferatu, though, stakes through the heart don't work."

"The major difference between us and nosferatu is that they can be of either sex and survive by draining life force in the form of blood," Danuta went on. "Spermárevő are exclusively female and drain life force by consuming semen. In English, we are known as spermpires, or occasionally, cumpires."

Susan's mind was racing in overdrive. She was trying to process all that she was seeing and hearing. Was it all some far-fetched joke? Was this for real? They consumed... semen? This was just too much...

"You..." Susan managed to utter. "You drain life force? Through semen? You mean, like, you kill guys by eating their, uh, semen?"

"Oh, no, we don't kill," said Eniko. "Anymore. Unless we have to. We do consume life force though. We age, wither, and weaken our hosts. Slowly. Bit by bit."

"Yes," agreed Danuta, "It seems to be that after centuries of observation, each ejaculation we consume ages our host about a week. We usually feed at least once daily from each host. We usually keep young men as hosts and retain them for about three or four months."

"Yes, so how about a demonstration," Kinia urged.

"Patience, sister," said Danuta. "Before I say anything further, I must stress how risky it is for us to trust you like this. There are vampire hunters still active in the world today. We must take extremely careful precautions to avoid detection. Will you swear to secrecy everything we share with you?"

"...Yes, yes, of course I will," replied Susan.

"Good. I had hoped you would say that. And now it may seem a bit crude, but I am compelled to tell you that should you betray our secrets to anyone at any time, we will kill you. Painfully. You understand this?"

Susan gulped. "Yes. Yes, I do. I won't betray you."

"Excellent. All right, Kinia, we will obtain your sustenance. Susan, follow me again, please."

So saying, Danuta led her back up the stairs and into the living room. "Ken! Joel! Come here, please. We have need of you."

The two young men arrived within moments.

"Clothes off, please. And we have a couple of blindfolds we will need you to wear. This is Susan."

"Hi, Susan," they both said with slight grins, and began shedding their clothes as instructed.

Susan could barley believe her eyes as the two men, both good-looking and fairly well-built, got naked before Danuta and herself. She felt her pulse quicken and her vagina getting warm. Then the two men were completely bereft of any clothing before her, both of their penises already semi-erect. Ken, the man she had met earlier, had a quite large member, already about seven inches, and not yet at full attention.

Danuta handed them each a blindfold, and they obediently put them on. The she struck her wristlet once with her ring, creating a sort of bell chime. At that sound, she heard movement on the stairs.

Kinia came rushing up, flushed bright red with a film of sweat on her brow. She dashed towards Ken like she was possessed, dove down in front of him, and immediately took his manhood into her mouth. He gasped in surprise and pleasure.

Susan's eyes were as big as dinner plates. Kinia was bobbing and sucking furiously. Within moments, Ken's cock was at full mast, perhaps reaching a full eight inches. Kinia attacked it with sucks and licks, twisting and whipping her head around. Ken moaned and shuddered. In less than a minute, the sounds he was making increased in pitch and frequency -- he was surely nearing orgasm.

Eniko leaned in toward her, whispering, "Now, watch carefully." Then she put her finger to her lips with a smile, indicating that Susan should remain silent.

Kinia sucked and pumped her mouth on his shaft. Ken shuddered and gasped. His hands flew out reflexively grasping at the air, but he did not touch Kinia. He threw his head back and grunted, then let out a howl. The sounds of Kinia's suction on his rod were loud and intense. She slowed her movements, then went still. In a moment, Susan saw her throat contract as she swallowed.

Kinia changed rapidly right before Susan's eyes. The mad intensity left her face, she became calm, almost serene and blissful. Her skin, glowing angry red moments before, quickly faded to the almost chalk-like paleness Susan was used to seeing in her and her sisters. Kinia let out a satisfied hum, then released Ken's softening cock from her lips. She sighed with pleasure and relief, and looked at Susan with a smile. Ken was gasping and vibrating, clearly visibly shaken by the experience.

"Ahhh, yesss, I needed that," she purred, shuddering lightly with satisfaction. Then she crawled before Joel and repeated the sequence. More slowly and casually, she sucked him into her mouth and with seemingly flawless expertise, and coaxed and teased him to orgasm with her mouth.

She slurped and bobbed, taking his rigid dick deep into her mouth, backing off and fluttering her tongue around his crown, then taking him back in fully.

Joel bucked and called out, his orgasm imminent. He shook his head and grasped his own hair. He uttered a series of guttural, staccato barks, and then one long tortured groan. Again Susan stared wide-eyed and watched Kinia's throat contract as she gulped down his load. She chuckled as she knelt before Joel, releasing his penis. He stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. He dropped to one knee and gasped, trying to catch his breath.

Kinia wiped the sweat-slick hair from her face, and producing a comb, began to tidy her dark tresses as she rose. Her eyes were dark and cool, a stark contrast to the raging fire that had burned in them less than five minutes ago.

Danuta locked the basement and turned to Susan and her sisters. "Upstairs, shall we go?" she enquired. "Ken, Joel, you're dismissed for now," she said in the direction of the two naked, young, blindfolded men. "We'll need you again probably in about an hour."

"Yes, Ma'am!" the both replied. Susan was utterly flabbergasted. Her pussy was tingling -- both men seemed absolutely delicious, and were apparently completely subservient to the four. They had stripped on command in front of woman they had just met, surrendered their cocks for Kinia's sucking pleasure, accepted their dismissal as routine, were prepared to be summoned again at a word... She was bewildered, awed and intrigued...

Back in the present, Susan was stalking her prey. The young man had turned down the street and was walking away from her. She strode behind him, keeping a quick pace with her shoes clicking on the concrete, gaining ground on her quarry. A couple of cars drove by, and the man rounded the corner. Susan followed.

Halfway up the block, the man heard the sound of her footfalls and turned to look at her. His expression was somewhat puzzled. "Huh!" he snorted with a toss of his head. "What happened to you?"

Susan did not reply, but continued striding towards him purposefully. Her gaze was focused, and a smirk appeared on her lips. She spread open the top of her dress, exposing her cleavage and bra.

"Whoa, slow down, there, love," the young man started, raising his hand and obviously taken aback. Susan ignored him, reached into her bra and hauled out her breasts. The man stared slack-jawed, totally unprepared for this occurrence, and stunned to mute inaction. Susan stood to face him with her breasts exposed to the night air, charged with power and excitement. Her hunger was palpable. She would feed now. She would take his semen. She would not ask. He would not be able to resist. He would provide her nourishment.

Without word, she dropped to her knees on the sidewalk and reached out to undo his belt. "Hey!" he barked. "Off! What kind of cracked-out, crazy fucking whore... HEY!! WHAT THE..." He tried to force her hands away but she looked up at him with a scowl. She shoved him back and he struck the brick wall behind him with a grunt. Her hands were instantly back on his belt; she deftly unbuckled it. In a quick movement, she undid his button fly and yanked his pants down. He wore no underwear. "NOW HOLD THE FUCK ON, YOU CRAZY BITCH," he roared at her, but in an instant she dove at his crotch and snared his flaccid member with her lips. He tried to push her away, but she grabbed both his wrists and held him fast. "Ouch!" he barked, trying to struggle. Susan chuckled to herself. She was far stronger than he was.

She began fellating him skillfully and purposefully. Her instincts guided her, and she felt his erection begin to grow in her mouth. Yes! This was a penis to feed her. Young, horny, responsive, never able to get enough orgasms... She sucked hard, not caring for his pleasure. She wanted his semen, and she wanted it as quickly as possible.

"Ow! Ah! Ah! What the fuck are you doing, you fucking lunatic bitch!" he growled as he helplessly struggled. As if it wasn't completely obvious. She sucked with insistent, powerful action, slurping and drooling on his shaft. She rasped her tongue on the underside of his helmet. She could feel his orgasm begin to take root and grow.

"OH! OH, GOD!" he gasped as she held him pinned against the wall. "AH! AH! FUCK! I'M GONNA... I'M GONNA..."

Yes, give me your seed, she thought. Give me your life force.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" he howled out as he bucked his hips involuntarily. A huge blast of thick, hot semen shot into her mouth. The taste and texture instantly set her entire mouth into ecstatic quivering. The delicious, scrumptious, incredible flavour!! Her head swam, a buzzing in her ears, insistent need filling her every fibre... She swallowed it down, and another squirt shot into her mouth. Divinity! Bliss! Rapture! Heaven!!! She sucked harder and harder as her victim cried out and convulsed. Burst after burst of salty, vibrant, delicious jizz entered her mouth, and she greedily devoured it all.

His cock finally ceased shooting, and the young man whimpered and slumped over. Her fever disappeared instantly. Susan was in a frenzy, unearthly strength coursing through her limbs; her hunger was so wonderfully satisfied, but she wanted more. She held him tighter and continued sucking. He warbled out in distress. She heard a cracking sound come from the wrist in her right hand.

Suddenly she stopped. What was she doing!? She was going to kill him!! Was it that easy? How did Danuta and her coven resist the urge?

She stood and backed off. The young man collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. His left hand was contorted in pain, and bruise marks were clearly visible on his wrists. Susan turned and began quickly walking away. What had she done? No, no, he wasn't hurt. Not badly anyway. She had resisted the urge to drain him, to suck all his life out through his penis, to consume his soul... The urge returned and she shook her head. No! It wasn't right. She didn't have to kill, she didn't have to. There were lots of cocks out there to feed her, lots...

She wanted more. More semen. She was feeling stronger, more vibrant, more energetic by many magnitudes than she had ever felt. It was glorious! She was also feeling sexy, dominant, validated... He hadn't been able to resist. She had probably just given him the best orgasm he'd ever had. She laughed to herself thinking about how he would try to figure out what exactly had just happened. She licked her lips. She wanted more...

With a rush of excitement, a thought occurred to her as she rounded the corner and saw the Lighthouse Club. Was that broad, handsome trucker guy still there? An evil grin crossed her face at the thought. If he was still there, he would be her next host. She would take him. He would feed her. He would have no choice...

“Because I am a sperm eating slut.” 4.5 5 ASIAN PORN Thursday, November 8, 2012 My cum was so thick, she couldn’t help but make her little yucky face as she put my sperm in her tummy. “Was that a little gross?” I asked h...

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